Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Republican Convention #PublishingLife #Gloria

Hey y'all! I am adding some exciting news but also some sad news that affects the #SaveTheBabyHumans and #RealWomenHaveBabies and the #SaveTheHumanRace movment around the world. I will number these for ease of reference. have included at the lower part of this post some of the clauses of the #GOP Party Platform that are of particular interest to the cause of REPOPULATING the U S with U S citizens. So please read all and read the entire articles by typing the source info I am providing into your web browser.

1) Wonderful prolife song by Brett Young entitled "Lady" includes heartbeat by Doppler of baby in the womb:



First Day of Repub Nat Convention was amazing and #Republicans nominate Pres Donald J Trump as Republican pick for Pres and his VP is Ohio Sentaor J D Vance, and that is VERY GOOD NEWS! :



and https://www.cbsnews.com/live-updates/rnc-2024-day-1/

U S Sen J D Vance is a good VP pick for Repub [ a U S Marine, Yale Law school grad]



And great interview w/ Vance: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/cljy6yz1j6gt;


GOP adopted the 2016 Repub Platform:

Quote: " Instead of adopting a new platform, the party reaffirmed its 2016 platform and announced that it would “continue to enthusiastically support the President’s America-first agenda.” 


16jul2024;10:06amP> NBC Nightly News questions Bidens words 'put Trump in bulls-eye:

Of course the reason that is relevant is that democrats arrested thousands of people on Jan 6th for civil protests in Washington DC and they claimed Pres Trump "instigated riot" by inviting people to DC and by standing before crowd and saying fight for your rights. And democrat Biden put a hit man on Trump and the mainstream Press did what? Pnterviewed him. But GOD defeated the Biden hit man!



Devastating photo of assassination attempt on Pres Trump at Trump rally in the editorial board's op-ed article with photo:



When is DoJ going to indict Biden for instigating violence? [as they tried to do to Pres Trump for Jan 6th statements]



Preamble to GOP Party Platform in 2016 which was adopted by 2024 Convention 15Jul2024:


With this platform, we the Republican Party reaffirm the principles that unite us in a common purpose.

We believe in American exceptionalism.

We believe the United States of America is unlike any other nation on earth.

We believe America is exceptional because of our historic role — first as refuge, then as defender, and now as exemplar of liberty for the world to see.

We affirm — as did the Declaration of Independence: that all are created equal, endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We believe in the Constitution as our founding document.

We believe the Constitution was written not as a flexible document, but as our enduring covenant.

We believe our constitutional system — limited government, separation of powers, federalism, and the rights of the people — must be preserved uncompromised for future generations.

We believe political freedom and economic freedom are indivisible.

When political freedom and economic freedom are separated — both are in peril; when united, they are invincible.

We believe that people are the ultimate resource — and that the people, not the government, are the best stewards of our country's God-given natural resources. As Americans and as Republicans we wish for peace — so we insist on strength. We will make America safe. We seek friendship with all peoples and all nations, but we recognize and are prepared to deal with evil in the world.

Based on these principles, this platform is an invitation and a roadmap. It invites every American to join us and shows the path to a stronger, safer, and more prosperous America.

This platform is optimistic because the American people are optimistic.

This platform lays out — in clear language — the path to making America great and united again.

For the past 8 years America has been led in the wrong direction.

Our economy has become unnecessarily weak with stagnant wages. People living paycheck to paycheck are struggling, sacrificing, and suffering.

Americans have earned and deserve a strong and healthy economy.

Our standing in world affairs has declined significantly — our enemies no longer fear us and our friends no long trust us.

People want and expect an America that is the most powerful and respected country on the face of the earth.

The men and women of our military remain the world's best. The[y] have been shortchanged in numbers, equipment, and benefits by a Commander in Chief who treats the Armed Forces and our veterans as a necessary inconvenience.

The President and the Democratic party have dismantled Americans' system of healthcare. They have replaced it with a costly and complicated scheme that limits choices and takes away our freedom.

The President and the Democratic party have abandoned their promise of being accountable to the American people.

They have nearly doubled the size of the national debt.

They refuse to control our borders but try to control our schools, farms, businesses, and even our religious institutions. They have directly attacked the production of American energy and the industry-related jobs that have sustained families and communities.

The President has been regulating to death a free market economy that he does not like and does not understand. He defies the laws of the United States by refusing to enforce those with which he does not agree. And he appoints judges who legislate from the bench rather than apply the law.

We, as Republicans and Americans, cannot allow this to continue. That is why the many sections of this platform affirm our trust in the people, our faith in their judgment, and our determination to help them take back their country.

This means removing the power from unelected, unaccountable government.

This means relieving the burden and expense of punishing government regulations.

And this means returning to the people and the states the control that belongs to them. It is the control and the power to make their own decisions about what's best for themselves and their families and communities.

This platform is many things: A handbook for returning decision-making to the people. A guide to the constitutional rights of every American. And a manual for the kind of sustained growth that will bring opportunity to all those on the sidelines of our society.

Every time we sing, "God Bless America," we are asking for help. We ask for divine help that our country can fulfill its promise. We earn that help by recommitting ourselves to the ideas and ideals that are the true greatness of America.

Senator John Barrasso, CHAIRMAN

Governor Mary Fallin, CO-CHAIR

Representative Virginia Foxx, CO-CHAIR"

[end quote}

  Portion of 2016, now 2024 GOP Party Platform:

"Protecting Individual Conscience in Healthcare

America's healthcare professionals should not be forced to choose between following their faith and practicing their profession. We respect the rights of conscience of healthcare professionals, doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and organizations, especially the faith-based groups which provide a major portion of care for the nation and the needy. We support the ability of all organizations to provide, purchase, or enroll in healthcare coverage consistent with their religious, moral, or ethical convictions without discrimination or penalty. We support the right of parents to determine the proper medical treatment and therapy for their minor children. We support the right of parents to consent to medical treatment for their minor children and urge enactment of legislation that would require parental consent for their daughter to be transported across state lines for abortion. Providers should not be permitted to unilaterally withhold services because a patient's life is deemed not worth living. American taxpayers should not be forced to fund abortion. As Democrats abandon this four decade-old bipartisan consensus, we call for codification of the Hyde Amendment and its application across the government, including Obamacare. We call for a permanent ban on federal funding and subsidies for abortion and healthcare plans that include abortion coverage."

https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/2016-republican-party-platform#families; 16Jul2024;10:10am

[Be careful with link it has democrat Obama smack in middle of Repub site--hacked?? ]

Absolute abyssmal failure of Secret Service:

Quote: "Stan Kephart, a former police chief who worked event security for two former presidents, said the shooting followed an “an absolute and abysmal failure” on the part of the Secret Service to protect Trump. The agency is ultimately responsible for the candidate’s safety, he added.

“You don’t get to blame other people. They are under your control,” said Kephart, now a consulting expert on law enforcement event security."

https://apnews dot com/article/trump-rally-shooting-butler-police-cdfd3f4b163f7f91b05eeefe21caa45a; 16jul2024;10:46am;

GOP agenda per party statement:

Quote: " To make clear our commitment, we offer to the American people the 2024 GOP Platform to Make America Great Again! It is a forward-looking Agenda that begins with the following twenty promises that we will accomplish very quickly when we win the White House and Republican Majorities in the House and Senate.





















***** When America is united, confident, and committed to our principles, it will never fail.

Today and together, with Love for our Country, Faith in our People, and Trust in God's Good Grace, we will Make America Great Again!....

6. Knowledge and Skills, Not CRT and Gender Indoctrination

Republicans will ensure children are taught fundamentals like Reading, History, Science, and Math, not Leftwing propaganda. We will defund schools that engage in inappropriate political indoctrination of our children using Federal Taxpayer Dollars.....

1. Empower American Families

Republicans will promote a Culture that values the Sanctity of Marriage, the blessings of childhood, the foundational role of families, and supports working parents. We will end policies that punish families....

We commit to upholding the Constitution of the United States, appointing judges who respect the rule of law, and defending the Rights of all Americans to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness....

2. Republicans Will Dismantle Censorship & Protect Free Speech

We will ban the Federal Government from colluding with anyone to censor Lawful Speech, defund institutions engaged in censorship, and hold accountable all bureaucrats involved with illegal censoring. We will protect Free Speech online.

3. Republicans Will Defend Religious Liberty

We are the defenders of the First Amendment Right to Religious Liberty. It protects the Right not only to Worship according to the dictates of Conscience, but also to act in accordance with those Beliefs, not just in places of Worship, but in everyday life. Our ranks include men and women from every Faith and Tradition, and we respect the Right of every American to follow his or her deeply held Beliefs. To protect Religious Liberty, Republicans support a new Federal Task Force on Fighting Anti-Christian Bias that will investigate all forms of illegal discrimination, harassment, and persecution against Christians in America. 4. Republicans Will Protect and Defend a Vote of the People, from within the States, on the Issue of Life

We proudly stand for families and Life. We believe that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees that no person can be denied Life or Liberty without Due Process, and that the States are, therefore, free to pass Laws protecting those Rights. After 51 years, because of us, that power has been given to the States and to a vote of the People. We will oppose Late Term Abortion, while supporting mothers and policies that advance Prenatal Care, access to Birth Control, and IVF (fertility treatments)...

5. Republicans Will End Left-wing Gender Insanity

We will keep men out of women's sports, ban Taxpayer funding for sex change surgeries, and stop Taxpayer-funded Schools from promoting gender transition, reverse Biden's radical rewrite of Title IX Education Regulations, and restore protections for women and girls....

2. Modernize the Military

Republicans will ensure our Military is the most modern, lethal and powerful Force in the World. We will invest in cutting-edge research and advanced technologies, including an Iron Dome Missile Defense Shield, support our Troops with higher pay, and get woke Leftwing Democrats fired as soon as possible."

APP Note: This platform was approved and made public by the platform committee on July 8, 2024 and formally adopted at the Republican National Convention on July 15, 2024...

https://www.presidency.ucsb dot edu/documents/2024-republican-party-platform;


Quote Pres Trump today 15jul2024:

“In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win,” Trump wrote. “I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin.”

Quote : Differences in a democracy and a republic:

By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority. Although these forms of government are often confused, they are quite different. The main difference between a republic and a democracy is the charter or constitution that limits power in a republic, often to protect the individual's rights against the desires of the majority.

If your confused about what we have here in America,... its a Republic. " I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the R E P U B L I C for which it stands. "

https://www.cga.ct.gov/asaferconnecticut/tmy/0128/John%20C%20Aldieri.pdf; 15jul024;12noon

@Google query:

"What is the difference between a true democracy and a constitutional republic?

By definition, a republic is a representative form of government that is ruled according to a charter, or constitution, and a democracy is a government that is ruled according to the will of the majority"


"Abortion is any act or procedure performed with the willful intent to cause the death of an unborn child which is between fertilization and birth. Abortion is dangerous for women and children and commonly results in physical or emotional damage."

https://rtl dot org/the-issues/abortion/;


Sen J D Vance is prolife:

Quote: "“I’m a very pro-life person,” Vance said. “I’ve been pro-life since I was 14 years old.”



Be an informed voter. National Right to life has info at : nrlc dot org/federal

#Trump #RNC #SenVance #JDVance #election #prolife #Righltolife #GOP #RNCPartyPlatform #Gloria #gloriapoole #gpoole817 #gloria0817 #art #photography #election #VoteProlife #SaveTheBabyHumans #RealWomenHaveBabies #publishinglife #tapestryoflife #wordsthatWork #endabortion #farmers #Nurses @NRTL #Republican @Ohio @Georgia @MoLeg @Missouri @Congress @TheHill @NYTimes @WashingtonPost

Selfie of me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, author, blogger, writer, cartoonist of Republic Missouri in 2023 . I am adding this of necessity since the enemies of GOD put fake obituaries with my name on them in order to trick @Google . I am alive and well, and I am still creating #art #words #sketches #paintings #Drawings and posting them.

Also so there's no confusion I have other blogs also and you can read, see art, educate yourself on the facts of human development by reading them, See them one by one because they're all different. See :



https://gloriapoole-RN-artist.blogspot.com, with medical photos of human babies in the amniotic sac















Posted today 16 Jul2024 at 3:23pm by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist of Republic Missouri in my own not-shared apartment using my own equipment my own internet I pay for and my own skills. I am a white, divorced twice University educated woman and a Registered Nurse and artist.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

A prolife #SpeakeroftheHouse

Wahoo! We the people of these United States have a prolife, heterosexual, Christian fundamentalist, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson who rightfully labels homosexuality and abortion a sin [Leviticus 18:22,KJV]; and who is a Constitutional lawyer. https://www.yahoo.com/news/republicans-house-speaker-once-called-212113849.html?...../;

and is prolife from prolife state of Lousiana,and Republican;

and his wife is leader of RTL:

"Since 2018, Kelly also served as a director and advisor to the Louisiana Right to Life organization."


27 Oct 2023; 8:43am

#MikeJohnson is a man of God and hallelujah JESUS for putting him in Speaker position.

Quote: " In the opinion piece published by the Shreveport Times, Johnson wrote, "The prevailing judicial philosophy is no different than Hitler's. Because the life of an unborn child (or a disabled Terri Shiavo [sic], or the elderly and infirm) may be difficult or inconvenient or even costly to society now means it can be terminated." 

He continued, "This disregard for life has been fostered by the courts. During business hours today, 4,500 innocent American children will be killed. It is a holocaust that has been repeated every day for 32 years, since 1973's Roe v. Wade."

At the time, Johnson was a lawyer for the Alliance Defense Fund, a conservative Christian advocacy group that opposes abortion and seeks to overturn pro-LGBTQ laws. The group, now called the Alliance Defending Freedom, is representing the medical associations and doctors challenging the abortion pill mifepristone's availability nationwide."


27 Oct 2023; 10:20am

New #SpeakeroftheHouse is a moral man and thank GOD!

Quote :" Johnson, a devout Baptist and then an attorney for rightwing groups and causes, is asked about the “condition of conscience” in Europe and Canada regarding abortion policy. Saying he has just given “a seminar … to a bunch of high school kids in Shreveport”,

Johnson quotes George Washington and John Adams, saying the first two presidents and other founders “told us that if we didn’t maintain those 18th-century values, that the republic would not stand, and this is the condition we find ourselves in today”.


This news is really good news for a change. These United States are not even close to being united on anything. In fact, as a nation, we are as divided as in the 1860s in run-up to Civil War. The Holy Bible warns that when nations shed innocent blood of human babies, of humans, that their blood cries out unto The Lord and HE avenges them. I am posting here some of the scriptures about human life.

"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death; blessing and cursing. THEREFORE CHOOSE LIFE that both thou and thy seed may live. "Deuteronomy 30:19

" I will praise thee O Lord for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous are Thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest part ...Thine eyes did see my substance yet being imperfect, and in Thy book all my members are written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them."Psalms 139:14-16, KJV.

"Whoever sheds the blood of a human, by a human shall that person's blood be shed; for in His own image God made humankind. And you be fruitful and multiply, abound on the earth and multiply in it. "Genesis 9:6,7, NRSV.

I have other blogs also that I update one by one and those are:

















Also, note that all Google VOICE numbers that were mine for years were stolen from me via fraud, and identity theft. However, I have several telephones and smartphones with numbers I have had for 10-15 years. I moved to Republic Missouri on 31 Jul 2023 and brought all actual telephones with me.

My selfie 2023.,P> Posted today 28 Oct 2023 at 4:40am by me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist of Republic Missouri. I moved to Republic MO on 31 Jul 2023.

Monday, May 8, 2023

Publish and proclaim in all cities end killing of babies

The purpose of this today is to remind believers in True and Living God of the words of GOD on the subject of that abomination labeled abortion.

It is written: Ärise, cry out... pour out thine heart like water before the face of The Lord; lift up thy hands for the life of thy young children."Lamentations 2:19,KJV.

The Holy Scriptures make it plain that God does not condone the premeditated murders of innocents. I include more scriptures to educate you all on this topic.

"So God created man in His own image; in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, and subdue it...."Genesis 27:27-28a,KJV.

"Whoso sheddeth mans's blood, by man shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God made He man. And you be fruitful and multiply; bring forth abundantly in the earth and multiply there."Genesis 9:6-7,KJV/

"Thou shalt not kill".Exodus 20:13,KJV.

"Know therefore that The Lord He is God, The faithful God which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations. And repayeth them that hate Him to their face to destroy them. He will not be slack to him that hateth Him, He will repay him to his face. Thou shalt keep the Commandments and the statutes, and the judgements which I command thee this day, to do them."Deuteronomy 7:9-11,KJV.

"Know ye that The Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us and not we ourselves. We are His people and the sheep of His pasture."Psalms 100:3.

"Thy hands [O Lord] have made me and fashioned me..."Psalms 119:73a

Ï will praise Thee [O Lord] for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvellous as Thy works and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from Thee when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought...Thine eyes did see my substance yet being imperfect, and in Thy book all my members are written, which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there was none of them."Psalms 139:14-16,KJV.

I, Gloria Poole/ gloriapoole/ gloriapoole.RN/gloria0817/gpoole817, Springfield Missouri in my own apartment with my own equipment have posted these gospel scriptures to change the world from the idea that GOD allows the premeditated murders of innocent human beings. He clearly does not if you read all the many scriptures about the abomination of human sacrifice which abortion is, and the punishments of God as detailed in Deuteronomy chapter 38, KJV for those who disobey God's commandments.

I have other blogs and for the record, some of them include #art I create, and some include words I myself write, opinions on topics of this day, and other blogs that are #publichealth and #publicservice oriented. Those blogs are: http://gloriapoole.blogspot.com,P> http://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com






http://mini-exhibition.blogspot.com,P> http://lifes-entertainment.blogspot.com

http://save-the-baby-humans.blogspot.com,P> http://real-women-have-babies.blogspot.com,P> http://salvation-is-free.blogspot.com,P> http://cartooning-by-gloriapoole.blogspot.com



and others on other platforms as well.

Also, a thank you to @DrBrianMay, #entertainment #music #Australia #TheAustralianPM @QueenWillRock for including me in your tweet in 2020. Unfortunately I was permanently suspended in last federal election by unconstitutional democrats" censorshi", from Twitter because I tweeted #prolife comment and #publichealth info as a #RegisteredNurse. The dems were rigging the election by silencing #prolife voices then. And still even today because it required 45 minutes of time and overcoming multiple attempts of theirs to prevent me from logging into this account today but I persevered. I ask you please to write and play everywhere #music that will promote the cause of continuing the human race by not annihilating the babies in utero.

For the record, I am a white, divorced twice woman, christian, republican and prolife. I am also a mother of 2 grown daughters and the g-mama of 8 wonderful blessings from God, whom I adore. I publish the scriptures because there is a verse which says God's word does not return void but accomplishes what He intended. God's words have power. I give all glory and honor to the holy name of The One True LIVING GOD. [Jesus said "I and The Father are One [God]"John 10:30,KJV. ] I, Gloria Poole,/gloriapoole posted this today 8th May 2023 at about 8am from my own apartment using my own equipment . I verified three times that it was me but one of those was a trick to try force me to login in a criminal stalker . I hope I defeated him! I am not secretive but I am a victim of violence caused on purpose by my 2nd exhusband who is a violent dangerous armed man. The FBI knows this and they help me. People who are not trying to harm me can email me at either publishinglife at gmail or at gloriapoole at gmail.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Wahoo! S.C. BANS all abortions--a true leader in US

This news is the absolute best news I have read in the past year: South Carolina has proved to be the best in the nation because they banned all abortions! WAHOO!

Here are some of detail:

"The South Carolina Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act ” requires doctors to perform ultrasounds to check for a heartbeat in the fetus. If one is detected, the abortion can only be performed if the pregnancy was caused by rape or incest or the mother’s life is in danger."

Read article at


On web 17Feb2021;6:25pm

And more on that subject: SC Gov signs bill to save baby humans:

"South Carolina’s governor on Thursday signed a bill banning most abortions, one of his top priorities since he took office more than four years ago....

Immediately after he signed the bill, a group of legislators and members of the public, standing shoulder to shoulder and wearing masks to protect against the coronavirus, began singing the words “Praise God” to the tune of “Amazing Grace.”

Read article at https://news.yahoo.com/south-carolina-governor-awaits-bill-060045813.html;

On line tonite 18Feb2021;8:09pm

I am a Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri. I have always opposed the premeditated murder of innocent human beings in their mother's wombs. Killing an innocent is a sin against GOD which women will have to answer for on God's Judgment Day. That is not merely my "opinion" as prodeathers are likely to say but it is the Commandment of GOD: thou shalt not kill"in Exodus 20:13, King James Holy Bible.

Now, here's the bad news: NY Gov Cuomo created a situation according to news sources so that if/when hospitals KILLED covid patients they had no liability for it. Read quotes and articles:

I suspected as Registered Nurse, all along ,there was something phishy going on w/ coronavirus "treatment":

"Amid New York’s exploding Covid-19 death toll in April 2020, Cuomo’s budget included a provision shielding hospital and nursing home executives from legal consequences if their corporate decisions killed people during the pandemic.....

GNYHA said it “drafted” the provision, which did not merely shield frontline healthcare workers from lawsuits, but also extended such liability protection to top corporate officials who make staffing and safety decisions....Cuomo’s corporate immunity provision was quickly copied and pasted into other states’ laws and into Senate Republican legislation, in near word-for-word fashion. The liability shield spread from New York to other states.

..Read "https://www.yahoo.com/news/cuomo-gate-nixonian-scandal-engulfing-111032322.html;

On web tonite 18Feb2021;9:02pm

& more on that :

"The U.S. attorney in Brooklyn and the FBI have begun a preliminary investigation into the way New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration handled data about Covid-19 nursing home deaths."


On web tonite 18Feb2021;9:31pm

Posted tonite 18 Feb 2021 at 11:01pm by me gloriapoole / Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist, Springfield Missouri.

Friday, October 9, 2020

God also records your vote

Remember when you vote that God records everything you do and everything you say according to book of Revelation in Holy Bible.

When you vote for any candidate who insist there is the false right to kill innocent human beings in the womb, you attempt to defy God who wrote in stone "thou shalt not kill" as recorded in Exodus 20:13, KJV. But also remember scripture in Galatians 6:7, as written, "be not deceived. God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap." If you sow death by voting for the evil platform of killing of innocent human babies in utero as a so-called right, God has promised you will reap that. If you teach your children to kill their offspring when they are tiniest and defenseless, you will have no grandchildren, no future generations, no legacy. Furthermore,neither will your children. If you teach your children that premeditated killing of a baby is a so-called "right" how then can you complain when someone kills a grown man for breaking the law, [not innocent in other words]? How can you vote, do a deliberate deed of casting your selection in a ballot to elect to office those who maintain in word and deed that killing of "unwanted humans" is a right?

How can any person who says they acknowledge The God and respect His laws, think they can defy Him and attempt to implement premeditated killing as a so-called "right"? God is not mocked the scripture says plainly. If you vote for killing God makes note of that. He gives all time to repent, but if they do not repent they reap the consequences of their behaviours.

Vote for the prolife party of Republicans. Our party ticket is that human life in the womb must have the protection of the governments.

Also, please pray that prolife Justices are confirmed for the U S Supreme Court who have the courage to take on the establishment and defy "precedence" of creating fake rights from "penumbras". We, as a nation, have to stop the premeditated killing of innocent people, whether they are in the womb, or out of it. We, as a nation, have to acknowledge that God is holy, that He is the Almighty Creator of all, and that His laws do not expire. His commandments are forever, and Jesus reiterated them in New Testament.

Please support only prolife candidates. Here are some of the words from our current PROLIFE President Trump from article https://www.bbc.com/news/election-us-2020-54003808 on 25th Sept 2020; 7:45am:

"We are making it harder to get an abortion now, want to overturn federal protections and would support a near-total ban. We will also seek to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by Justice Ginsberg's death before the election". Mr Trump had promised in 2016 to pick judges who would "automatically" overturn Roe. While that hasn't happened yet, he has installed hundreds of federal judges plus two conservative justices on the top court - and if the president wins re-election he could reshape the judiciary even further...Mr Trump has expressed support for banning abortion overall, except for cases of rape, incest or danger to the mother's life....Mr Trump has certainly delivered on his promise to curtail federal funding for abortions. The president last year barred federal family planning dollars from going to organisations that provide abortions or refer patients to abortion clinics. As a result, national reproductive healthcare provider Planned Parenthood lost millions in federal funds. He's also reinstated and expanded the Mexico City Policy, which prevents any US government global health funds from going to foreign groups that also provide or inform about abortions." [end quotes from BBC article. ]

Also, if you watched the Vice President Mike Pence debate Kamala Harris a current Senator in US Senate on TV, you heard the prolife words of our current Vice President Mike Pence who said he is unapologetically prolife. I am also unapologetically prolife believing God's word to be true and knowing that some day I will stand before God and have to give an account of my life and my deeds and my words to God Himself. So will all humans. The book of Revelation makes that clear. There will be a Judgement Day for those who have wantonly defied God. I worry that day has come to U.S. as hundreds of thousands have died from coronavirus, and blood runs in our streets frequently from murders according to news. The root cauase of all that I believe is the immoral Roe v Wade decision that is attempt t defy God, and which was unconstitutionally decided, and should be overturned by Supreme Court.

Praying God's word back to Him works so I will include some more scriptures about this topic:

"but now thus saith The Lord that created thee in the womb...and He that formed thee, fear not for I have redeemed thee; I have called thee by thy name;" Isaiah 43:1, King James Holy Bible.

"And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind; that ye may prove what is that acceptable and perfect will of God. " Romans 12:2, KJV

And here is one of the verses that I referenced about giving an account before God: " and they shall come forth, they that have done good unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation . " John 5:29, KJV

There are so many scriptures I could share with readers but think on these.

Also, I am gradually updating my other blogs also, so you can read more of my content on these blogs of mine:




and other blogs also.

Posted today 9th Oct 2020 at 8:45am by me Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist of and in Springfield Missouri, USA.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Vote prolife Vote Republican

This is a quick reminder that the next federal election is in November this year [2020] and that the Republican Party has a PROLIFE platform but the democrats have a killing platform.

Please vote prolife. Save the baby humans and end abortion. Ending abortion is The Civil Rights issue of 21st century.

I base all of my beliefs on the Holy Bible and the scriptures about this topic are from Exodus 20:13, KJV, "thou shalt not kill".

Also the scriptures in Proverbs 31:8, KJV, Jeremiah 1:5, John 10:10.

Also, for the record, I got back the use of my tablet I bought in Columbia Missouri and I also bought another one here in Springfield, Missouri, and I had my big computer repaired and bought several new
devices/machines to be able to accomplish tasks after I endured massive cyber-attack on me in March this year.

This apartment is not a shared apartment and the furnishings/computers/telephones/art/ everything in it belongs exclusively to me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, artist of Springfield Missouri. I moved to Springfield in Sept 2018 and into my own apartment again on 1st Oct 2018.

I have most of the phones I had in Columbia as cell phones but I also have a home phone. I ported the number that was my landline phone in Columbia Missouri for 10 years to a cell phone and it is also in Springfield Missouri with me. I am not publishing my home phone number any more because of cyber attacks against me for being prolife. If you know my cell phone numbers and are not my enemy you can call me on those. I did publish those numbers on web at one time but had to quit doing that for obvious reasons.

For the record, I am a white, divorced, christian woman and a Registered Nurse and an artist in all mediums.

Posted tonite 1st July 2020 at 10:43pm by me Gloria Poole, RN, artist; Springfield, Missouri.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Criminal thugs hijacked my Samsung tablet

I am writing to document yet another criminal hack into my life. Criminal thugs at unknown secret place broke into my Samsung lil tablet and hijacked it using rogue wifi. I have the tablet in other words but it was broken into from remote and the password was changed. There never was any security on Samsung. It was a problem from the first day I bought it years ago, then I couldn't use it at all for EIGHT YEARS because criminal stalker controlled it from remote. Then in spring 2019 I got control of it again. But last week the criminal broke into it again and destroyed it. Hopefully, I have stopped him by making about thirty changes to the accounts that were associated with it. I am writing this from a totally different computer of mine since tablet is inoperable. I have contacted Google [because it was their operating system on tablet] about the criminal hack into that tablet of mine. It's dangerous opposing killing of babies!

The prodeathers THINK they control the world but they don't. GOD IS BIGGER THAN THEY ARE, and thank goodness.

For all Christians, please pray that GOD HIMSELF fights against those who fight against me.

Also thanks to the hundreds of people who read the information I wrote about how babies are formed in the womb in previous post. Of course, that is the information the evil killing machine of Planned Parenthood Gestapo fascists try to prevent from being published because it hinders their killing "business".

Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist; writer, residing in Springfield Missouri since Sept 2018 in my own apt that is NOT shared with anyone. Neither is anything in my apartment shared with the murderer who breaks into my accounts.

Gloria Poole, Registered Nurse, artist, writer, author, owner, Publishing Life / words that WORK/ Tapestry of LIFE / Life Media & Publishing such as it is, after at least ten criminal hacks into my accounts, and a complete hijack of my internet account in Columbia Missouri by criminals in 2017. I have a different internet company in my Springfield Missouri apartment .

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

I republished How Embryo becomes a Fetus tonite 27 March 2019

Posted by me Gloria Poole and other gmail accounts also including with my name on them.

10:03 PM (4 minutes ago)

I republished this to the web tonite at 27 March 2019 at 10:02pm

How Embryo becomes fetus -


I wrote this years ago and republished it tonite 27 March 2019 at 10:02pm.

Gloria Poole,RN, artist; Springfield, Missouri

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Two simple messages for world today, posted by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist;Missouri

Two simple messages for world today :

Country singer from the past Hank Williams singing about the battle of Armageddon :


And if Armageddon comes to the US, I think it will be because of the affront to GOD and His commandments that the photos in this link below, reveals:


Copyright Notice. Gloria Poole, Missouri. 26th August 2017 at 9:34am. ALL RIGHTS TO THIS ENTIRE BLOG FROM ITS BEGINNING TO ALL ART ALL PHOTOS AND ALL WORDS ON IT ARE RESERVED FOR [KEPT FOR] ME GLORIA POOLE OF MISSOURI. You may not download any content from this blog. You may not forward your domains to this blog. You may not make prints, nor reproductions, nor copies, nor copy-and-paste-images nor derivative works from any content on this blog. You may not save any content on his blog to your flash drive or harddrive. You may not represent yourselves as a "co-worker" ,nor a "boss" nor a "supervisor" nor an "employee" nor a "courier" nor a "boy friend" nor a "husband" nor a "partner" nor a "manager" nor a "superintendent" nor a "business partner" nor an "owner" nor a"roommate' nor an 'agent' nor a "representative" nor a "literary agent', nor an "associate" nor a "domain owner" of mine. I, Gloria Poole, create all content on this blog and own all rights to it, and I create it in my own apt in Missouri for my own purposes.

My selfie in Feb 2017:

This is a selfie of me [Ms] Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, and artist in all visual mediums, that I photographed yesterday to add to a blog. It is necessary to do this for several reasons: there was a well-orchestrated effort last week to totally annihilate me from the web and to steal my landline telephone, a cell phone number of mine, and there was a fake obituary that was sent to Google to try to fool the world about me. I am alive and well [except for the permanent damage to my physical body from trauma on 2 occasions]. I am adding this here today to document that I am alive and well, and still very much active on web and in other ways. I photographed this in my bathroom so I could use the mirror to see the push button on other side of camera, and forgot I had a towel over the door! And that white streak is where I wiped mirror first but didn't realize til photo that threads got on mirror. I often look very red in summer because I walkabout a lot in the sunshine. I am a white woman and that is apparent in a better light. photo-by-gloriapoole. Copyright. Gloria Poole. Missouri. 27 Feb 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com/p/about-gloria-poolern.html is a profile page for me.

About me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse who owns & creates this blog: https://publishing-life.blogspot.com/p/about-gloria-poole.html

My 2017 word art & cartoon symbol I created. I signed the cartoon in the lower left corner before I photographed it. Copyrighted.

My copyright notice I made for this blog and all content on it. Read statement below.

Below are some of the sites and blogs that include more of the content I create{d] over time and update intermittently.





















is my public health teaching blog that I update regularly.

https://words-that-work-LLP.blogspot.com https://news-for-life.blogspot.com



Some of my teaching sites of mine, that include information I learned as Registered Nurse and or teach as R.N.:

https://sites.google.com/site/artistillustrations Includes pencil drawings I drew of stages of human development.




https://sites.google.com/site/gloriapooleRN/optimumhealthisachievable Or it may be at this site, since it has been attacked in the past:

https://sites.google.com/site/optimumhealthisachievable https://sites.google.com/site/gloriapoolern/



https://medium.com/@glorias_writing ; I updated today with lesson 2 on investing and finance. I write on many topics including the prolife and personhood causes.

Also, I post art I make to other blogs so look at the links on the blogs here for more of the content and art I create. You can follow me on twitter at these accounts of mine and each is different: @gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @ProlifeNurse; @personhood1; @tartan_Bliss, @glorias_writing and @gpoole817. I created 2 new accounts in past month when criminal ID thieves tried to hijack every account of mine on web. I have saved my accounts and I have 2 new accounts which helped them locate me.

This blog, its sites, and the account of it and the telephones of it belong ONLY to me [Ms] Gloria Poole, of/in Missouri.

My selfie Gloria Poole,RN of Missouri in Feb 2017:

This is a selfie of me [Ms] Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, and artist in all visual mediums, that I photographed yesterday to add to a blog. It is necessary to do this for several reasons: there was a well-orchestrated effort last week to totally annihilate me from the web and to steal my landline telephone, a cell phone number of mine, and there was a fake obituary that was sent to Google to try to fool the world about me. I am alive and well [except for the permanent damage to my physical body from trauma on 2 occasions]. I am adding this here today to document that I am alive and well, and still very much active on web and in other ways. I photographed this in my bathroom so I could use the mirror to see the push button on other side of camera, and forgot I had a towel over the door! And that white streak is where I wiped mirror first but didn't realize til photo that threads got on mirror. I often look very red in summer because I walkabout a lot in the sunshine. I am a white woman and that is apparent in a better light. photo-by-gloriapoole. Copyright. Gloria Poole. Missouri. 27 Feb 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com/p/about-gloria-poolern.html is a profile page for me;

This is my 2016 logo for the time being. I signed it in paint and painted in that little brush. Copyrighted.

My 2017 word art & cartoon symbol I created. I signed the cartoon in the lower left corner before I photographed it. Copyrighted.

;; save ; 29 March 2017; 10:34am

This is one of my Christian crosses to remind all that I am raised Southern Baptist and am believer in THE LIVING LORD JESUS.That is my hand in that photo that I photographed in recent months this year. To read what I believe please read https://salvation-is-free.blogspot.com.

This is the symbol of my alma mater Georgia Baptist College of Nursing where I graduated; and took state boards in Georgia to become a Registered Nurse years ago.I have a Registered Nurse license in Missouri.

This is the display I made of the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business where I got a second education and graduated with a business degree.

This is one of my photos of the U S flag I photographed on walkabout to remind all I am a U S citizen with all civil liberties including freedom of Press, freedom to worship THE LORD GOD, and freedom to associate with whomever I want or not to associate with those GOD labels "abomination" and freedom to protest governments.

Copyright notice:I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to all content on this blog. Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name, that I was born with; but on pencil and or ink drawings I sometimes also sign my born with surname of Poole which is my legal name again because I removed the Pappas name from my name at time of final divorce decree in Oct 2007 from male DBP, and I resumed my full maiden name of Gloria Poole by Court order in Arapahoe County Colorado at Centennial at the same time. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria; Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749; and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole. For the record, I am a white, single-again, twice divorced, Southern Baptist, born again, Christian, woman and the mother of only two children who are grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator, author, personhood promoter. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole; nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone .

I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. All telephones listed on this account and any account of mine on the web belong to me personally and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones and a few are Google voice numbers that forward to me. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words I wrote and or art I made and signed and or photos that I photographed belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria / G-L-O-R-I-A / gloriapoole1749 /gloria0817 /gpoole817 / gloriapooleRN at yahoo / gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole /Gloria Poole,RN,artist /cartooning-by-gloriapoole / photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real name with or without my professional status as Registered Nurse and with or without numbers after my name, at my own private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and neither is my isp account shared with anyone which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere but me. /signed/ Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on on 16 August 2017 at 9:45am. About me page updated by me Gloria Poole on 16 August 2017 at 9:45am. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole / [Ms ] Gloria Poole,RN,artist of / in Missouri, USA .

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Aiming for stars in my crown graphic created by me Gloria Poole,RN,artist of/in Missouri;Update

I, gloria Poole aka gloriapoole, drew this graphic using a "paint" software program on my lil computer and I signed it with the same. In Revelations 12:1, KJV, is scripture about the woman in heaven having twelve stars in her crown. So, I am praying I live my life so I have stars in my crown when I get to heaven. I am not planning on going to heaven any time soon however! I, Gloria Poole, am a Registered Nurse licensed in Missouri/artist/author/cartoonist/illustrator/writer/blogger/photographer/publisher/tweeter/republican/personhood promoter/twice-divorced/single-again/Christian/white/woman-mother of 2 grown daughters named Jennifer and Leigh but no sons. Copyright. Gloria Poole, Missouri. 29th June 2017 at 8:50am. ALL RIGHTS TO THIS ENTIRE BLOG FROM ITS BEGINNING TO ALL ART ALL PHOTOS AND ALL WORDS ON IT ARE RESERVED FOR [KEPT FOR] ME GLORIA POOLE OF MISSOURI. You may not download any content from this blog. You may not forward your domains to this blog. You may not make prints, nor reproductions, nor copies, nor copy-and-paste-images nor derivative works from any content on this blog. You may not save any content on his blog to your flash drive or harddrive. You may not represent yourselves as a "co-worker" ,nor a "boss" nor a "supervisor" nor an "employee" nor a "courier" nor a "boy friend" nor a "husband" nor a "partner" nor a "manager" nor a "superintendent" nor a "business partner" nor an "owner" nor a"roommate' nor an 'agent' nor a "representative" nor a "literary agent', nor an "associate" nor a "domain owner" of mine. I, Gloria Poole, create all content on this blog and own all rights to it, and I create it in my own apt in Missouri for my own purposes.

My selfie in Feb 2017:

This is a selfie of me [Ms] Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, and artist in all visual mediums, that I photographed yesterday to add to a blog. It is necessary to do this for several reasons: there was a well-orchestrated effort last week to totally annihilate me from the web and to steal my landline telephone, a cell phone number of mine, and there was a fake obituary that was sent to Google to try to fool the world about me. I am alive and well [except for the permanent damage to my physical body from trauma on 2 occasions]. I am adding this here today to document that I am alive and well, and still very much active on web and in other ways. I photographed this in my bathroom so I could use the mirror to see the push button on other side of camera, and forgot I had a towel over the door! And that white streak is where I wiped mirror first but didn't realize til photo that threads got on mirror. I often look very red in summer because I walkabout a lot in the sunshine. I am a white woman and that is apparent in a better light. photo-by-gloriapoole. Copyright. Gloria Poole. Missouri. 27 Feb 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com/p/about-gloria-poolern.html is a profile page for me.

About me Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse who owns & creates this blog: https://publishing-life.blogspot.com/p/about-gloria-poole.html

My 2017 word art & cartoon symbol I created. I signed the cartoon in the lower left corner before I photographed it. Copyrighted.

My copyright notice I made for this blog and all content on it. Read statement below.

Below are some of the sites and blogs that include more of the content I create{d] over time and update intermittently.





















is my public health teaching blog that I update regularly.

https://words-that-work-LLP.blogspot.com https://news-for-life.blogspot.com

Some of my teaching sites of mine, that include information I learned as Registered Nurse and or teach as R.N.:

https://sites.google.com/site/artistillustrations Includes pencil drawings I drew ofd stages of human development.




https://sites.google.com/site/gloriapooleRN/optimumhealthisachievable Or it may be at this site, since it has been attacked in the past:

https://sites.google.com/site/optimumhealthisachievable https://sites.google.com/site/gloriapoolern/



https://medium.com/@glorias_writing ; I updated today with lesson 2 on investing and finance. I write on many topics including the prolife and personhood causes.

Also, I post art I make to other blogs so look at the links on the blogs here for more of the content and art I create. You can follow me on twitter at these accounts of mine and each is different: @gloriapoole; @gloria_poole; @ProlifeNurse; @personhood1; @tartan_Bliss, @glorias_writing and @gpoole817. I created 2 new accounts in past month when criminal ID thieves tried to hijack every account of mine on web. I have saved my accounts and I have 2 new accounts which helped them locate me.

This blog, its sites, and the account of it and the telephones of it belong ONLY to me [Ms] Gloria Poole, of/in Missouri.

My selfie Gloria Poole,RN of Missouri in Feb 2017:

This is a selfie of me [Ms] Gloria Poole,Registered Nurse, and artist in all visual mediums, that I photographed yesterday to add to a blog. It is necessary to do this for several reasons: there was a well-orchestrated effort last week to totally annihilate me from the web and to steal my landline telephone, a cell phone number of mine, and there was a fake obituary that was sent to Google to try to fool the world about me. I am alive and well [except for the permanent damage to my physical body from trauma on 2 occasions]. I am adding this here today to document that I am alive and well, and still very much active on web and in other ways. I photographed this in my bathroom so I could use the mirror to see the push button on other side of camera, and forgot I had a towel over the door! And that white streak is where I wiped mirror first but didn't realize til photo that threads got on mirror. I often look very red in summer because I walkabout a lot in the sunshine. I am a white woman and that is apparent in a better light. photo-by-gloriapoole. Copyright. Gloria Poole. Missouri. 27 Feb 2017. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

https://prolife-nurse.blogspot.com/p/about-gloria-poolern.html is a profile page for me;

This is my 2016 logo for the time being. I signed it in paint and painted in that little brush. Copyrighted.

My 2017 word art & cartoon symbol I created. I signed the cartoon in the lower left corner before I photographed it. Copyrighted.

;; save ; 29 March 2017; 10:34am

This is one of my Christian crosses to remind all that I am raised Southern Baptist and am believer in THE LIVING LORD JESUS.That is my hand in that photo that I photographed in recent months this year. To read what I believe please read https://salvation-is-free.blogspot.com.

This is the symbol of my alma mater Georgia Baptist College of Nursing where I graduated; and took state boards in Georgia to become a Registered Nurse years ago.I have a Registered Nurse license in Missouri.

This is the display I made of the University of Georgia's Terry College of Business where I got a second education and graduated with a business degree.

This is one of my photos of the U S flag I photographed on walkabout to remind all I am a U S citizen with all civil liberties including freedom of Press, freedom to worship THE LORD GOD, and freedom to associate with whomever I want or not to associate with those GOD labels "abomination" and freedom to protest governments.

Copyright notice:I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to all content on this blog. Usually I sign the art I create as simply Gloria since that is my first name, that I was born with; but on pencil and or ink drawings I sometimes also sign my born with surname of Poole which is my legal name again because I removed the Pappas name from my name at time of final divorce decree in Oct 2007 from male DBP, and I resumed my full maiden name of Gloria Poole by Court order in Arapahoe County Colorado at Centennial at the same time. I am also known on the web and in real life as Gloria; Gloria Poole; Gloria J Poole; Gloria Poole, RN, artist; and on the web as : gloriapoole; gloria-poole; gloria.poole; Ms Gloria Poole; gloriapoole.RN; gloriapoole_RN; gloriapooleRN at yahoo; gloria0817; gpoole817; artist-gloriapoole; gloriapoole-paintings; artist-gloria; Poole,Gloria; gloriapoole1749; and other variations of my real, born with, and legal name of Gloria Poole. For the record, I am a white, single-again, twice divorced, Southern Baptist, born again, Christian, woman and the mother of only two children who are grown daughters who are named Jennifer and Leigh. I am also a prolife activist, blogger, artist in all mediums; photographer for my own purposes, Registered Nurse with a license in Missouri but before that for most of my life in the state of Georgia, U.S. citizen born in the state of Georgia; University of Georgia alum, Georgia Baptist College of Nursing alum, writer, illustrator, author, personhood promoter. This blog may not be downloaded, nor copied individually or collectively as a whole; nor have domains forwarded to it that do not belong to me, nor may the photos or art on it be reproduced or saved to disk by anyone .

I create all content on this blog and I, Gloria Poole, own all rights to this blog collectively and individually as single posts. All telephones listed on this account and any account of mine on the web belong to me personally and are in my apartment in Missouri or in my possession at all times. Some of my numbers are wired, landline telephones and some are mobile phones and a few are Google voice numbers that forward to me. This blog and all blogs that I create and that contain my words I wrote and or art I made and signed and or photos that I photographed belong exclusively to me Gloria Poole, of Missouri and Georgia. Copyright. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole /gloria-poole /gloria.poole/ Ms Gloria Poole/ Poole Gloria / G-L-O-R-I-A / gloriapoole1749 /gloria0817 /gpoole817 / gloriapooleRN at yahoo / gloriapoole.RN / artist-gloriapoole /Gloria Poole,RN,artist /cartooning-by-gloriapoole / photo-by-gloriapoole, and other variations of my real name with or without my professional status as Registered Nurse and with or without numbers after my name, at my own private apt in Missouri which is not shared with anyone and neither is my equipment nor phones shared with anyone, and neither is my isp account shared with anyone which means no one is authorized to log into any account of mine anywhere but me. /signed/ Gloria Poole, RN, artist; at my apt in Missouri on 4th July 2017 at 1:59pm. About me page updated by me Gloria Poole on 27th July 2017 at 7:45am. Gloria Poole / Gloria / gloriapoole / [Ms ] Gloria Poole,RN,artist of / in Missouri, USA .