So, this is as I looked that day I took this photo of me Gloria Poole.
Also, I have documented much about the 3 month Verizon ordeal on another blog of mine at: And also on some of my Twitter accounts in much depth.
Also, you can see my google page for this and an example of the graphics I created on my tablet toying with apps, also on that page [ a bright HELLO banner]. I am trying to learn how to use Google plus but it takes me longer to do things when I get tired, secondary to a concussion and fractures.
Also, if you read the prolife posts on this blog and see the medical photos of tiny human in amniotic sac, you will see why the anti-life group of killers-of-human-beings-in-womb were so desperate to destroy my Verizon acct and my tablets. They were trying to CENSOR my religious and prolife words and content. They didn't succeed because Verizon was a an optional account, not critical to any way to me--one I had only to connect my tablets for apps, and graphics--i.e. not mission-critical to anything. I have a regular isp account on my desktop and also different [other] methods of being on web. Is the RSS feed for Talking, Walking & Painting This is a statement only that this blog belongs to me Gloria Poole, RN & artist, white woman in Missouri; and it always did. Please read the content that the wicked were trying to get removed from the web in the posts following this one.
Gloria Poole, RN & artist; @ my apt in Missouri; 1:41pm. 9-Feb-2013